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Utility Hookup

Utility Hookup

When constructing a new industrial factory, facility, refinery, and plant, it is going to need utilities, like water, gas, and electric. When running these utilities into your plant or facility, hookups are needed to be at the end of the utility company’s line and the beginning of yours. Appalachian Mechanical brings a depth of knowledge and experience to companies seeking efficient utility hookup. All of our millwright construction expert work force is hired out of local unions, ensuring that they have the training and experience to get the job done right. Our goal is to complete your utility hookup within budget, exceeding quality expectations, without injury, and without rework.

The expert millwright craftsmen at Appalachian Mechanical include millwrights, carpenters, and many more. Whatever your millwright needs, Appalachian Mechanical has the expert team for the job. Contact us today to learn more about our millwright construction services and learn why Appalachian Mechanical is the contractor for you. Contact us by calling 740-646-3950 or by Requesting a Quote.

Appalachian Mechanical is a millwright company that utilizes high precision craftsman or tradesman who installs, dismantles, repairs, reassembles, and moves machinery in factories, power plants, and construction sites. All of our craftsman and tradesman expert work force is hired out of local unions, ensuring that they have the training and experience to get the job done right.


  • Office:

    2430 South Third Street
    Ironton, OH 45638

  • Numbers:

    Phone: 740-646-3950
    Fax: 740-533-9717

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